I wanted to take a moment to dive deeper into how our thoughts and feelings directly impact our ability to manifest and shape the world around us.

Every thought we have triggers an emotional (subconscious) response – whether it’s joy, excitement, fear, or doubt – and this, in turn, creates a chain reaction in our body and mind. When we experience fear or anxiety, for instance, our body releases adrenaline as part of the fight-or-flight response. This reaction narrows our focus to survival, scarcity, and protection. Our thoughts become limited, and we start seeing the world through a lens of lack, in turn manifesting more of these circumstances in our lives.

On the flip side, feelings of love, gratitude, and trust release calming chemicals like oxytocin and dopamine, which open us up to possibilities. These feelings shift our mindset and experience into one of abundance. When we come from a place of love or inner peace, we see opportunities instead of obstacles, and we naturally begin to attract more experiences that reflect those emotions.

For years I thought my “happiness” was somewhere “out there” – if I fixed this, changed that, bought this, then I would feel better about myself.  But it’s the converse that’s true – it really is an “inside job”.  The truth is that to change my experience, I firstly need to change how I feel!   In effect, a negative thought, creates a negative feeling that creates a correspondingly negative experience.  Whereas, a positive thought, creates a positive feeling and a positive experience – Law of Attraction.

It’s our inner-beliefs, thoughts and feelings that work together to shape how we perceive the world and create our experience. When our mind is cluttered with fear-based thinking—”What if this goes wrong?” or “I don’t have enough”—we create energetic barriers to abundance. It’s like putting ourselves in a state of contraction where our thoughts and feelings are aligned with scarcity.

However, when we focus on love, positivity, and abundance, we expand mentally and emotionally. This shift allows us to connect with the flow of life rather than resisting it, and the universe responds by mirroring that expansion back to us.

In short, our experience is a reflection of the energy we project. Fear creates scarcity because it tells the universe we believe there isn’t enough, while love creates abundance because it signals that we are open to receiving all the good that life has to offer.

The more we become aware of this connection, the more we can consciously shape our reality by choosing thoughts and feelings that align with the life we truly want to manifest.  Life really is a mirror of how we feel!

Change your mind and you change your world!